Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Color

Fall Color
Originally uploaded by Joe Jon!
Not the best year for fall colors, with the recent mini-drought we had at the end of summer. Most of the tress are shades of dark red, dark orange, and brown. But a few have shown to be bright and cheery, such as the maple in our front yard. View from the playroom upstairs.

I've been working evening shift hours the last week and plan to on through Thanksgiving week while the PM manager enjoys his newborn daughter.  My day crew is full with veterans, but the second shift is very new for the most part, so I want to be helpful to them without being the overbearing boss.  I think they appreciate the manner in which I approach them and help them.

I actually enjoy the evening hours, too.  When working day hours I get home around five or six o'clock, depending on the needs of the day, and might have two or three good hours with the family as we all grow weary and prepare for bedtime.  Working evenings, though, allows me to rise around 8:00 AM and enjoy the first four or five hours of the day with them before getting ready to leave for work.  It's been a nice change of pace.

Some interesting sites of late:

Reformed Book Shelf  A small collection of mostly Puritan writers for loan.  The service is free minus the cost to return the books (a couple of bucks) and you can keep the book up to 30-days.

The Heidelblog  The weblog of R. Scott Clark, professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary, CA.  Always something interesting popping up.  His book, "Recovering the Reformed Confession" is on my "Top 10 Books I Plan to Buy When I Get Some Extra Cash One Day" list.  Right now food and shelter seem to be the most pressing needs.
Green Baggins  A bit deep for the layperson at times, but a helpful blog from Lane Keister, a Presbyterian Church in America pastor.  There are several contributing writers, as well.

Daily Westminster  A selection from the Westminster Confession of Faith and Larger & Shorter Catechisms for use in private devotion or family worship.  The reading schedule was organized by one of my favorite preachers, Dr. Joey Pipa, Jr.

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