From Last Night's Storm. A 40' tree fell from the woods beside our house into our yard. It was an old, dead tree, so last night's wind toppled it over fairly easily, I'm sure. The storm looked a little crazy for a while. With Ethan, for scale. (Cell cam photo.)
January and February have been so busy, but hopefully things will begin slowing up now that March is here. The Upward Basketball league is finished and the boys had a great time. Hopefully that will free up some time to focus on some things we need to work on.
We had planned on doing some camping in our travel trailer, but with gasoline expected to approach or surpass $4 a gallon, we may be staying home much of the spring. It's one thing to burn $35-40 in gas to get there and back. It's another to pay more for gas than the camping fees and food/entertainment for the weekend. Maybe we'll splurge for one trip, just to say we did.
I've absolutely loved Upward. My two oldest (7 and 5) played soccer last fall and just finished basketball. Very well done.